Chronic Low Back Pain
Can be a debilitating problem for many – trapped in repeated cycles of pain! Sufferers can often go through repeated imaging, failed therapeutic treatments and regular prescribed painkillers all to no avail. This can be frustrating, stressful and lead to anxiety for many.
CBT: The Evidence
However there is growing evidence that individuals with symptoms can get better and live without pain. It is now recognised that the vicious cycle of symptoms that sufferers can get trapped in can in fact be broken! Usually the pain is due to a whole variety of factors including lifestyle – such as poor sleep, lack of exercise, sedentary work or even too much exercise. An individuals beliefs about their condition can also negatively impact their problem. Along with other important factors including mood, anxiety and stress!
A recent study found that both mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy had positive effects on catastrophizing, self-efficacy and acceptance which in-turn would have a beneficial effect on symptoms. Relaxing through meditation or diagphragmatic breathing can help to reduce muscle tension and pain! Changes ones belief about their problem can help to improve confidence, function and outlook on their problem.
There is Hope: Low back pain
If you’re suffering from chronic low back pain, by addressing these areas along with other lifestyle factors like better sleep and more exercise you can stop this ongoing cycle of symptoms. Your physiotherapist by hearing your story can help you to change your trajectory in relation to your pain. Work with you to improve function and how you move! So please contact us here at the clinic it you’d like to understand how you may improve your quality of life!
David O’Neil May 2017